“Today it is a very interesting day. In history we studied Ancient Greece and Rome. I was very excited about Mythology, specially about Mermaids.
In biology
we are studying seas and oceans.
- World
ocean covers approximately 70% of the Earth, and it is the primary component of
the Earth hydrosphere. - Starts the prof.
The teacher
is showing us pictures, short videos and graphics. All of my colleagues are
very captivated by all those color and movement. Me too, but a thought about
Mermaid hovered over my head. So, I started drawing on a sheet of paper.
- This body
of salt water influences climate and weather patterns, the carbon cycle and the
water cycle by acting as a huge heat reservoir…
I keep
drawing, time to time looking on the whiteboard the material prepared by professor.
modern recordkeeping in 1955, water’s internal heat increased, this is because oceans
absorb 90% of the warming. Most of this energy is stored at the surface, from 0
to 700 meters depth (average depth of oceans is 4000 m). The world’s oceans are
running a fever…
I’m thinking
about our vacation on the Mediterranean Sea. The water was too warm, not
refreshing. I remember my worries about fishes and other dwellers. How do they survive in those conditions? Uncomfortable, stressed, forced to leave their
home to look for food.
-…The consequences
of this warming are multiple, some of them not even foreseen by the scientific
models. Nowadays it is observed that hurricane activity is more frequent and more
My blue pencil
travels through the paper surface, reinforcing some lines.
-…Sea levels
creep up due the thermal expansion and melting of ice sheets and glaciers…
Then, soon the
coastal areas will change, I thought.
- … Changes
in oceans health and biochemistry will affect water flows and force ocean organisms
climb closer to the surface and migrate to other areas. This will affect and
change the fishing activities…
I see it
clear… My Mermaid is one of fishery victims. She is barely escaped from a fishing
net. Her tail is seriously damaged. She is lying on the sand. The swaying of
the waves covers and caress her body, alleviating the pain.
Blue pen strives
to beautify this pain, adding more and more decorative elements.
- Prof,
what can we do to change that? - The words slip out of my mouth.
- We have
to think and decide what we can renounce today to have a tomorrow. And do so.”
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