
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2024

Liturgias del pasado

Este dibujo llama la atención, pues muestra una cabeza sin cuerpo.

Te toca

 "Dimensiona. Partes de un chiste malo. ¿Me ves? Pero no me reconoces. Porque nunca me has visto tan contenta. Sí, soy guapa y una celebridad, pero soy algo más que un icono. “Soy una persona, y tengo sentimientos”. Pero, también me puedo convertir en asesina a sueldo durante un par de días y huiréis y me olvidareis.” Ese es uno de mis superpoderes”. Claro que algunos de vosotros pensasteis en mi anoche cuando yo pensaba en vosotros. Pero “visto lo visto” y antes de montar cualquier fiesta, hay que salvar el mundo de su ensoñación pobre. Os lo juro, después vendrá la cervecita y el chiste. Y, no comparéis. Sois 70 personas. Alguno me vio sonreír."

Doctor Francis and Many -Worlds Interpretation

 Iñaki’s caricatures are very expressive. The presence of some elements and the absence of others stimulate the imagination in an unexpected way, creating a comprehension of the picture at a subconscious level. This image reminds me of Einstein: it has some combination of his hair, mustache, tie, and gown.


 Le caricature di Iñaki sono molto vivaci, piene di colore e di piccoli dettagli. Rappresentano personaggi molto particolari, con un carattere tutto loro.


Esta caricatura representa a un joven con auriculares.

Perdón o castigo

Algunas veces el artista escribe en la parte de atrás del dibujo, como esta vez. Lo hace nada más termina de dibujar:

Series " Smooth", Please a conger eel.

"Life goes by fast. To slow it down, I like to observe the world around me: the sky, nature, animals, and, what I like most, the faces of the passersby. Every time, I try to imagine how they are, what they do for a living, their relationships with others. To do so, I don’t do any research or try to meet them on purpose. Having a dog, I have plenty of time to observe them during our walks. Today I met a very interesting person. He is around 35 years old, tall and strong, with black eyes that have a special sparkle and a big nose. He seems to be very serious. He picks up his phone, and I can hear his nice accent from Sevilla. I don’t try to listen, because I don’t care what he’s talking about. I observe the expression of his voice, which is smooth and slightly worried. Suddenly, the expression on his face changes completely and a wide smile brightens his look. It’s nice to have someone who makes you smile that way. Even by phone, I’m sure the other person, wi

Serie "Vellutata", dipinto UNO

“Non so chi sono. Vorrei pensare che sono una persona buona, giusta e generosa, ma come posso saperlo?