Kaleidoscope of Fate_Калейдоскоп судьбы
This painting is like a reflection of the human journey in the distorted mirror of the world. It tells the story of a path filled with obstacles, turns, doors, and ambiguous decisions we often make without fully understanding why. Turn the painting 90° clockwise, and you see wrought-iron gates — massive and adorned with intricate patterns. They resemble the beginning of something grand but remain closed, as if denying entry to those who lack courage. These gates symbolize a threshold: the first step that must be taken to embark on a journey. Now, turn the painting 90° counterclockwise, and a dark door comes into view. It looks intimidating, almost foreboding. This is the moment when a person realizes that moving forward requires facing the unknown and confronting it head-on. Another 90° counterclockwise turn, and you find yourself in a peculiar room. Its walls tilt at odd angles, as though the world has lost its balance. The gray wall represents the past — cold and unchangi...